Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 63 September 19, 2009

I can't believe it! We have received 2 letters from you now and they came within a week of each other. I now think that we may have better communication capabilities that I had expected. In fact the last letter took about 4 days from the time you handed it to the pilot on Namdrik!
It sounds like things are going well for you, especially since you have received the rest of your luggage and boxes of supplies. We have enjoyed hearing about your family and your island life. I hope that the things we are sending you are helpful and that you are enjoying the "goodies". I think we have sent 9 to 10 boxes altogether with more on the way. I know others are also sending you boxes so I don't think you will be without pieces of home while you are in Namdrik.
The world continues to be crazy here. We have lost some people-Patrick Swayze, and Mary Travers (from Peter, Paul and Mary) this month. Several high-profile incidents have been happening that are just ridiculous! One of the Republican members of Congress interrupted the President during a live televised address to Congress calling him a liar. He has now been censured by Congress. Totally incredible and disrespectful. In the entertainment arena Kanye West jumped on stage and took the microphone out of the winner's (Taylor Swift) hand and ranted about how Beyonce was the best. Swift was in shock and just stood there. Beyonce gave up her own stage time to let Swift finish her speech. Also, Serena Williams lost it and cussed out a judge at the US Open. It is like a weird collective episode of bad manners and anger. I just can't understand why civility seems to have been lost...
We wish you well in your teaching endeavors this year. You mentioned that you are teaching 1,2,5,8 English and 5 Math. That is a lot and we wish the students a happy year too. We are so proud of you and miss you so much...Love you more, Mom

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