Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 44 August 31, 2009

This past week was a very difficult one. We lost one of our most influential senators and a good person who "walked the walk" when Ted Kennedy passed away on Aug. 25th after he lost his battle with brain cancer. I know he had many flaws (don't we all), but he not only cared about and treated well those who agreed with him, he also was respectful of and friendly with those who held different opinions than his. Most of his colleagues truly cared about him, enjoyed his company and listened thoughtfully to what he had to say. Having grown up in the "Kennedy Era" and of course feeling connected to them by way of sharing the same birthday as Caroline, I have always held a fascination for our American Royal Family. There have always been political Kennedys in my life and though some of the young ones are still active, the world just seems an emptier place without one of the "brothers" living in it...

I am still trying to adjust to not talking to you. I thought it would get better, but so far it has gotten worse instead. It is just so weird. I wonder how you are every day and whether you have gotten all of your things, including all of the mail and boxes we have sent. I suppose this is a good time to cultivate that thing that I have never been good at-accepting that I am not always in control and dealing with it! Another thing I think about is how much you will change over this year and how different you will be when you get back. It will almost be like you are a new person. So I think about that too and wonder how that will be for all of us. Mostly though I am lonely for your company. Even when you were at school or in South Africa I could count on talking to you at intervals and I now have to wait and wonder. In fact, I still don't know for sure if you are even on Namdrik yet and I suppose I won't know until we receive some confirmation from you by mail at some point in the future. I do trust that things are well with you though and I have faith that you are with caring people and that you are happy.

I wish I could remember when school was supposed to start. It must be soon and I wish you good luck as you prepare to start teaching. I know you will be a wonderful teacher and I hope you enjoy your students. People always ask what you are doing and how you are. They are very amazed and proud of you when I tell them; of course I always have to explain where exactly the Marshall Island are and how you came to go there. : )

More later...Love you more! Mom

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 33 August 20, 2009

My sweet Cari/Lilo,

Whooaa! I had no idea how hard this was going to be! I know you were supposed to leave Majuro by way of the "big plane" to go to Namorik on Monday. I had really hoped that the field girls would have sent me a little note/email confirming that yes you did make it to your new home and were safe, well, and settling in. No word yet and I am going with the old "no news is good news" way of thinking. I suppose that will be my new normal and as a consequence, I will become a better "coper". You remember how I always say that as long as you learn something new, every experience is a good experience.

It was so wonderful talking to you Sunday night as you were out buying supplies for your trip. I hold on to those conversations as comfort when I think of you and how much I miss you. You made me laugh as you talked about some of your observations. It helps that I can keep busy packing up care packages for you and looking for items that I think you may need or like. I wonder if you will ever get these packages--another thorn to bear, not knowing what you get and don't get. : /

I am so glad that you are enjoying your daily blessings. It is comforting to think about you waking up and fishing into your bucket of blessings and pulling out a new message from your friends/family that will make you smile and remember how much you are loved. What a way to start your day. Chad and Claire have both chatted me up and told me they miss you and love you and will be sending you letters soon. And of course Molly misses you terribly. Joel is sorry he missed your call Sunday, he said to tell you hello and that he will write soon.

We are trying to figure out a way for Dad to visit you at the end of the year--maybe in Nov. No promises. The logistics of getting to Namorik are quite daunting. I think it is even worse than the Sierra Leone logistics!! Anyhow, if it works out we will contact your people to let you know. He is actually pretty excited about the possiblity! Stay tuned...

I meant to ask you how your thumb was doing...I assume you would let me know if it was not doing well. Hope your other issue has resolved. Don't forget to use your medical reference book!

Life here is moving forward. Summer is almost over for school children. The hurricane season is just churning up--a little later than usual. Three storms this week, with one-Bill-now a major hurricane but it looks like it will just cause high waves on the east coast and then possibly make landfall up north in Canada. I have been following the Pacific storms a lot more closely than ever before. The typhoon season is in full swing too. The storm that hit Taiwan caused major death and destruction and was somewhat of a debaucle for their government. According to news reports it has been likened to the Hurricane Katrina mess--slow to get help out to people and slow to accept international help. It is such a wide ocean that when I am trying to follow storms on the satellite it is hard to tell how close they are to you, so I have been looking closely at the latitude and longitude--something I never used to think about!!

Miss you more,

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 27 August 14, 2009

A sad day here. The Pannells are having to say goodbye to their dear pet Nugget today. What a good pet and what great memories they and we will have of him. It is so hard to make these decisions but they know they are doing the best thing for their wonderful friend as he has been suffering for awhile now. He will now be peaceful and rest after a job well-done: he gave happiness and contentment and love to a family for his whole life and he will always be remembered...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 26 August 13, 2009

My dearest Lilo,

Ok, I have been avoiding sitting down to write because I know our time is short now. I am dreading Monday because it means our limited communications will change from sporadic to almost non-existent. Snail mail over land and sea will soon become the norm for us; back to a bygone era of having to wait...I know how it is since I actually lived in that era! Think about what to say, write or type it, put it in an envelope and mail it. Then wait. It could possibly take a month to get to you. And then you repeat the cycle from your end. And still we wait. Today's generation doesn't really know what that means. Sure they have to wait occasionally, for a few minutes or, horrors, a few hours or days. But typically it is a few taps of the thumbs and "voila!" an answer or comment. This challenge will be a real test of patience and faith! (yours and mine)

I am sure you are excited to get on with the next chapter of your adventure! I think you are probably nervous and yet ready to see your new home and meet your new family. I keep thinking about all of the boxes and luggage you have to take with you and I am hoping that it all follows you to Namdrik in a timely manner--and I don't mean in an "island time" manner. ; )

Life here is about the same, though Fall is just around the corner. Each evening the crickets and the locusts compete with each other to see who can "chirp" the loudest. Dad and I go out on the deck or in the yard each day "surveying" our little ranch, checking on the plants and animals. Tonight we watched a dove land in the bird bath and take a drink. I told Dad that we were turning into our grandparents. Ha! Sorry, not as exciting as the walk on the beach and the frolicking dolphins!!

I am wondering how it will be for you to have no tv, news, creature comforts, etc. for a whole year. I am sure that focusing on your teaching and learning a whole new language and culture will fill in those "holes in time" where in your old life you would have been sleeping late or watching Jon Stewart or Nurse Jackie or Friends for the 1000th time. That is actually a good thing and something we are trying to do here too. Dad has signed up to join the MRC (Medical Reserve Corps) with me and I am sure we will be doing online courses for that as well as CPR training and of course the yearly mock mass innoculation drill--though it may be real this year with the swine flu swirling around. We have also decided to watch less tv and read more books this year. Maybe when you get back we can talk about all of the books with you since you are reading more too! It will be a Nash family book club!!

Speaking of the swine flu--I have not verified it yet but Valerie may have it. She has been sick and she has made comments on FB about s.f. but I can't tell if she is serious. I will be checking on her today! In other family news, Bobby got stuck in the bathtub the other day. No, really. The police actually had to go to his house to get him out!! He was in there for three hours! Thank God for sisters who care enough to check up on their big brothers. It was his little sister who finally called the police when his wife kept saying, "He's still in the bathtub, Ha Ha." I couldn't make this stuff up!! Any way, he has pneumonia (not related to being in the bathtub for three hours) and his wife has also been saying he doesn't need to take the antibiotics. I feel like this whole thing may make an episode of court tv some day. Sigh...

No word on the job front yet. I told you I applied for a nurse consultant job with the Navy, right?
Well, I did and I have not heard anything yet. I feel good having at least applied. I know the right job will come, I just hope it is soon.

Ok, I will close for now. I am anticipating one last call from you before you head out on the "big plane" to Namdrik. Many people are interested in your travels and experiences so don't forget to write. I know you will have a blast! I love you more!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 19 August 5, 2009

I am dancing today because you called us on Monday!! It was awesome to hear your voice and I am so thankful for the miracle of telephones and Skype too! You sound wonderful and I am relieved that you are well and happy. You can't imagine how proud we are of you! You are a brave and gentle, loving soul and the people who you are now living with and interacting with are so blessed to have you. Many are praying for God's blessings to be with you and with the people of the Marshall Islands.

As I write I am watching one of your favorite Presidents, Bill Clinton, as he escorts the two journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Lee home to America after he secured their release from North Korea. Amazing! It is a tear-producer. Al Gore is also there and has just spoken. It's a happy day!

I am a little jealous about all of the snorkeling you are doing. I do hope that you will see more interesting things in the waters of Namdrik. I am not jealous of the mosquitos and cockroaches and crazy dogs though! ; ) I guess even paradise is not perfect!

I have been selling your old textbooks like crazy! I have made around 200 dollars so far. Yay! I have mostly the small ones left. Good thing they are selling, as this is my only source of income right now. The job search is still not very successful yet. Wish me luck!

Sorry that I have nothing much to report. That actually could be considered a good thing. All of the people who have received notes from you are very thankful and send good wishes to you.

Love you,