Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 125 November 17, 2009

Ok, I know I have not been faithful in my writing but either nothing has happened or everything has happened and in both cases I did not feel like recording at the time. So now I will try to catch you up on the news and related feelings about all of the happenings in our lives. You will find this either boring or riveting so here goes.

We went to a "political" party at the Freund's house in Sept. to support our favorite candidate for delegate for Loudoun-David Poisson. It was great fun and we enjoyed meeting new people and listening to how David has been supporting/representing Loudoun in Richmond. Unfortunately, the election turned out all of the Democrats for miles around, including the Governor's office! Bah! People just seemed to be apathetic about voting (except for Republicans). Wish you had been here to help.

Dad and I attended the first annual "Art, Wine and all that Jazz" festival at the old Lorton prison, which is now "The Workhouse at Lorton", an art haven much like the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria. The old dormitories house the artists and they are organized by different art genres. We had a great time and the wine and art and jazz was great-also the weather was awesome. I would love to take you there when you return! I think Grandma and Lea would love it too!

I have been trying to play volleyball with some women at church. I was really good about going every Monday night, but then I missed one night and then I didn't feel well and then...So it has been over a month since I have been! Hopefully I will start again soon. I fell once and hurt my knee, but I really enjoy the exercise and want to keep it up!! And your latest letter about Biggest Loser Namdrik has inspired me to get back to the courts!! If the women of Namdrik can do it so can I!

Dad and I enjoyed the Annapolis Sailboat Show again this year. We had a great time and met some great people from New York who were a real hoot. Some of the girls knew the band from a visit to the Caribbean and we had a front row seat. We danced and had pain killers-even dad was dancing! It was a beautiful day and the boats were great. Wish we were younger and had some cash to spend on one...sigh. They are a lot of work though and maybe we will just plan a fun sailing trip every year instead!

I went to the hospital to be with Molly when she had her surgery. It went very well and I took her home and sat with her that afternoon so Cathleen could be at work. She did very well and seems to be very happy with the results. I am hoping to visit her apartment soon-she has said she wants to cook dinner for her mom and me sometime. : )

Sandra and I spent a week in Bald Head with her dog, Troy. He is a wonderful dog and so lovable. You would enjoy him. We had such a good time-we rode bikes a lot, played tennis, walked on the beach and Beverly visited for a few days (Whitney and Elisabeth came for one night). The weather was divine (Beverlyism) and we definitely relaxed and soaked in the sun, beachy smells and flora and fauna. I really love it there and am very blessed to have a friend with a house in paradise!! It made me feel closer to you...

Kara has had to have a blood transfusion and some iron infusions for low iron issues so I have been watching Kailey some. She is just remarkable and growing up so fast. She loves school and is learning so much. We took her and Kara to the annual PFHS homecoming parade and she had a ball collecting all of the candy that the kids threw from the floats. I think Kara sent you a picture of Dad and I and Kailey sitting on the hill. I almost felt like a grandma! Almost.

We had about 30 kids stop by for trick or treating this year. Not many, but it was still more than we usually have. And there seemed to be a lot of older kids. I sent you some candy for your classes-hope you got it as well as the other little goodies I have sent for the kids and for you. It is frustrating not to know if you are receiving the items I have sent. I have had fun gathering items for you. Hopefully you can use them for gifts and goodies for the kids and your family.

As I said before, election day was very disappointing so I will leave it at that.

I have been helping out with the H1N1 flu clinics through the MRC. Dad signed up but has not finished the training, so I don't know if we will get to work together or not. I will not get the flu shot so I hope I don't get it. Remember I had that reaction to the shot last time. So I am scared.
The last clinic I worked at was held at Potowmak Elem. and they had to call the ambulance 3 times for kids that got sick or passed out!! I have never seen anything like it. Everyone was OK. Anyway, the only people giving shots are the hired nurses, so all I do is help with logistics and do whatever I am asked to do. Wow, makes me realize that I would really like to get paid for working instead of always volunteering. Still no news on that front.

Ok, more tomorrow. Many interruptions while trying to write this. And remember-I love you more.
