Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 33 August 20, 2009

My sweet Cari/Lilo,

Whooaa! I had no idea how hard this was going to be! I know you were supposed to leave Majuro by way of the "big plane" to go to Namorik on Monday. I had really hoped that the field girls would have sent me a little note/email confirming that yes you did make it to your new home and were safe, well, and settling in. No word yet and I am going with the old "no news is good news" way of thinking. I suppose that will be my new normal and as a consequence, I will become a better "coper". You remember how I always say that as long as you learn something new, every experience is a good experience.

It was so wonderful talking to you Sunday night as you were out buying supplies for your trip. I hold on to those conversations as comfort when I think of you and how much I miss you. You made me laugh as you talked about some of your observations. It helps that I can keep busy packing up care packages for you and looking for items that I think you may need or like. I wonder if you will ever get these packages--another thorn to bear, not knowing what you get and don't get. : /

I am so glad that you are enjoying your daily blessings. It is comforting to think about you waking up and fishing into your bucket of blessings and pulling out a new message from your friends/family that will make you smile and remember how much you are loved. What a way to start your day. Chad and Claire have both chatted me up and told me they miss you and love you and will be sending you letters soon. And of course Molly misses you terribly. Joel is sorry he missed your call Sunday, he said to tell you hello and that he will write soon.

We are trying to figure out a way for Dad to visit you at the end of the year--maybe in Nov. No promises. The logistics of getting to Namorik are quite daunting. I think it is even worse than the Sierra Leone logistics!! Anyhow, if it works out we will contact your people to let you know. He is actually pretty excited about the possiblity! Stay tuned...

I meant to ask you how your thumb was doing...I assume you would let me know if it was not doing well. Hope your other issue has resolved. Don't forget to use your medical reference book!

Life here is moving forward. Summer is almost over for school children. The hurricane season is just churning up--a little later than usual. Three storms this week, with one-Bill-now a major hurricane but it looks like it will just cause high waves on the east coast and then possibly make landfall up north in Canada. I have been following the Pacific storms a lot more closely than ever before. The typhoon season is in full swing too. The storm that hit Taiwan caused major death and destruction and was somewhat of a debaucle for their government. According to news reports it has been likened to the Hurricane Katrina mess--slow to get help out to people and slow to accept international help. It is such a wide ocean that when I am trying to follow storms on the satellite it is hard to tell how close they are to you, so I have been looking closely at the latitude and longitude--something I never used to think about!!

Miss you more,

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